my corn feeder here on my wooded ridge-top, a pair of deer fed while it snowed,
and in the cedars around it, there was a covey of quail, nine birds. In the cedars, about 20 mourning doves
sought shelter and fox and grey squirrels were gorging themselves. Out on my Panther Creek ranch about 30
miles to the northwest, I have three corn feeders, which would be illegal if it
weren’t something the Conservation Department hadn’t told me I could do in
order to kill a pair of deer between now and March15.
want to test them for TSE (I refuse to call it CWD). If the deer are not diseased, I will give the venison to a
family of seven that needs the meat, and that is the only way I would be
agreeable to this. It might
ordinarily be strange to be hunting deer in February but with all the cold and
snow this year, it isn’t as weird as it normally would be, when I might be
making a trip to the White River to fish for post-spawn brown trout or fishing
some local lake tributaries for pre-spawn walleye.
if I can get out in the outdoors where I can be alone and not see or hear any people
I am happy, regardless of what I am doing. One of my late winter hobbies is exploring caves along the
river I grew up on. I am not so
much interested in going back into the depths of such caves, but looking for
signs of those bluff dwellers from an age gone by, or finding the artifacts of
early Ozarkian settlers, left behind.
a cave not far from the river which has a little creek flowing out of it, I
found an old washtub a couple of years ago with holes punched in the sides of
it, down the slope along the creek. What a thrill it was to realize I had found
one of my grandfather’s live bait containers from my boyhood. I could remember seeing that old
washtub hanging on a nail behind his little cabin. He used it to keep trotline bait alive in the spring, summer
and fall.
would camp in the cave and catch chubs and sunfish from the creek, and put them
in the tub with a screen cover over it.
Then he would take the bait out when he needed it for his
trotlines. With them he would
catch big flathead catfish, which he also kept alive in a small inescapable
pool in that creek. It was one of
his favorite places, and he might stay in that cave for several days, until he
felt he had caught the biggest flathead in that eddy, up to 35 or 40 pounds.
found a rusty old pistol frame in front of one such cave, no cylinder in
it. I would give a lot to know its
history. My grandfather never
carried a pistol, ever. He
considered them useless. A
double-barreled shotgun or light .22 rifle was with him on all trips, and you
can bet he never left much behind, except something like that old tub.
of today’s woods-walkers… probably 90 percent, will not be found in the deep
wilderness where no trodden trails are found. But places where you can follow a game trail fascinate
me. And I am absolutely ecstatic
when I find a cave, because of the unknown history it holds. Some that grandpa showed me are so hard
to find you never see a human foot print in them.
won’t enjoy hunting deer in the next week or so over a pile of corn. When the weather warms, I will likely
be doing something else. It is coming soon, the first buds of spring, migrating
blue-winged teal, a little bit of warming below the shoals drawing fish from
perhaps miles down the lake. It is
something when you can walk out on your back porch in early March and hear a roosting Tom
turkey gobble at the approaching sunlight in the east. Once, from my porch you might hear 6 or
8. Last year I never heard more
than 2 on any morning. I haven’t
seen any at my feeder but my daughter gave me some encouragement when a month
or so ago she saw 6 or 7 turkeys in the woods down below my home, but they were
all hens and young of last year. There
were no gobblers.
is worrisome, because you could regularly see 25 or 30 turkeys down in the
woods here only 8 or 10 years ago.
Something bad is happening to wild turkeys in many many areas of the
Midwest. I am not looking forward
to a spring with wild gobblers sounding off in all directions, there just
aren’t that many now. But I will
be out there anyway… as I said, I find a peace and contentment far from the
crowds that is just as good today as it was years and years ago. Maybe more so now than ever, knowing
there are not as many such days left as we all get older.
It is cold here today and a good day to build a nice fire in the fireplace and work on a book I am trying to finish. But winter beckons too; different than any other time of the year for what an outdoorsman can do and see. You can’t say it isn’t a good time. Today is a day that the Lord has made… rejoice and be glad in it, if you have some warm boots and a heavy coat, gloves and fur-lined hat.
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