Monday, February 25, 2019
Speaking at Newport Arkansas
I met some great people down at Newport, Arkansas, speaking Saturday night to a large group attending a banquet there, at the first baptist church... I love speaking at various events where folks are trying to raise money for those who are in need.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Journal of the Ozarks -- Current Issue only...
We have 50 extra Journal of the Ozarks magazines which can be sent out just for the cost of postage. All of our mailing will take place next Thursday, so to get one free just send your address and two dollars to journal of the Ozarks, Box 22, Bolivar, Mo. 65613. We have to have it by then. Or call us to do it by credit card 417 777 5227. I Only found out about this today.. Corning Printing told us they have to mail out 50 more to reach a mailing quota. larry dablemont
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Ain’t February Grand?
my corn feeder here on my wooded ridge-top, a pair of deer fed while it snowed,
and in the cedars around it, there was a covey of quail, nine birds. In the cedars, about 20 mourning doves
sought shelter and fox and grey squirrels were gorging themselves. Out on my Panther Creek ranch about 30
miles to the northwest, I have three corn feeders, which would be illegal if it
weren’t something the Conservation Department hadn’t told me I could do in
order to kill a pair of deer between now and March15.
want to test them for TSE (I refuse to call it CWD). If the deer are not diseased, I will give the venison to a
family of seven that needs the meat, and that is the only way I would be
agreeable to this. It might
ordinarily be strange to be hunting deer in February but with all the cold and
snow this year, it isn’t as weird as it normally would be, when I might be
making a trip to the White River to fish for post-spawn brown trout or fishing
some local lake tributaries for pre-spawn walleye.
if I can get out in the outdoors where I can be alone and not see or hear any people
I am happy, regardless of what I am doing. One of my late winter hobbies is exploring caves along the
river I grew up on. I am not so
much interested in going back into the depths of such caves, but looking for
signs of those bluff dwellers from an age gone by, or finding the artifacts of
early Ozarkian settlers, left behind.
a cave not far from the river which has a little creek flowing out of it, I
found an old washtub a couple of years ago with holes punched in the sides of
it, down the slope along the creek. What a thrill it was to realize I had found
one of my grandfather’s live bait containers from my boyhood. I could remember seeing that old
washtub hanging on a nail behind his little cabin. He used it to keep trotline bait alive in the spring, summer
and fall.
would camp in the cave and catch chubs and sunfish from the creek, and put them
in the tub with a screen cover over it.
Then he would take the bait out when he needed it for his
trotlines. With them he would
catch big flathead catfish, which he also kept alive in a small inescapable
pool in that creek. It was one of
his favorite places, and he might stay in that cave for several days, until he
felt he had caught the biggest flathead in that eddy, up to 35 or 40 pounds.
found a rusty old pistol frame in front of one such cave, no cylinder in
it. I would give a lot to know its
history. My grandfather never
carried a pistol, ever. He
considered them useless. A
double-barreled shotgun or light .22 rifle was with him on all trips, and you
can bet he never left much behind, except something like that old tub.
of today’s woods-walkers… probably 90 percent, will not be found in the deep
wilderness where no trodden trails are found. But places where you can follow a game trail fascinate
me. And I am absolutely ecstatic
when I find a cave, because of the unknown history it holds. Some that grandpa showed me are so hard
to find you never see a human foot print in them.
won’t enjoy hunting deer in the next week or so over a pile of corn. When the weather warms, I will likely
be doing something else. It is coming soon, the first buds of spring, migrating
blue-winged teal, a little bit of warming below the shoals drawing fish from
perhaps miles down the lake. It is
something when you can walk out on your back porch in early March and hear a roosting Tom
turkey gobble at the approaching sunlight in the east. Once, from my porch you might hear 6 or
8. Last year I never heard more
than 2 on any morning. I haven’t
seen any at my feeder but my daughter gave me some encouragement when a month
or so ago she saw 6 or 7 turkeys in the woods down below my home, but they were
all hens and young of last year. There
were no gobblers.
is worrisome, because you could regularly see 25 or 30 turkeys down in the
woods here only 8 or 10 years ago.
Something bad is happening to wild turkeys in many many areas of the
Midwest. I am not looking forward
to a spring with wild gobblers sounding off in all directions, there just
aren’t that many now. But I will
be out there anyway… as I said, I find a peace and contentment far from the
crowds that is just as good today as it was years and years ago. Maybe more so now than ever, knowing
there are not as many such days left as we all get older.
It is cold here today and a good day to build a nice fire in the fireplace and work on a book I am trying to finish. But winter beckons too; different than any other time of the year for what an outdoorsman can do and see. You can’t say it isn’t a good time. Today is a day that the Lord has made… rejoice and be glad in it, if you have some warm boots and a heavy coat, gloves and fur-lined hat.
Outdoorsman's Swap Meet
Our grizzled old veteran outdoorsman's swap meet will be Saturday March 16. want to help? we are having a meeting about making this the biggest and best one we ever had. we could sure use some help. if you want to join us in any way, come to the coffee room at the Brighton Assembly of God Church in Brighton Mo at 7 p.m. next Monday evening( February 25). Mark Cross and i will be there planning everything and we need you. if you want to help but can't make it, contact me. we have plenty of these fliers to be posted on bulletin boards around the area.
Spring Magazines are Completed and Ready To Go Out

BOTH MAGAZINES FINISHED... will be on the newsstands soon, mailed to subscribers in about a week. if you want to subscribe or just get one of the two, or both, call Ms. Wiggins, my executive secretary at 417 777 5227. one magazine has 96 pages, the other 72. Kathy Freeze, Mary Randolph and Dorothy Loges did a heck of a job on these. Gloria Jean and Ms. Wiggins are really having a hard time gettin along so i may fire one of the two. I think gloria jean is smarter, but much more expensive to keep around!
Friday, February 15, 2019
The Pet Deer... and MDC

sense isn’t used much anymore. I was recently involved in something of a
comedy that could have used a little common sense. It happened just after the
gun deer season closed. A farmer from Halfway Missouri by the name of
Larry McCarthy called me to say that there was a big buck in his field
wandering around and he was afraid he might be sick, perhaps with the
dreaded cwd he had heard so much about. He said he had called the local conservation agents
and they had advised him to just shoot the deer and let it lay. McCarthy didn’t want to do that because
he feared if it had that chronic wasting disease (actually known as
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) that it might affect local livestock.
asked if I would come and look at it and I did. Was I ever surprised!
What a set of antlers the buck had! I walked up close to him and took several photos. He wasn’t sick at all… he was just
another tame deer and I have seen many of them. I knew immediately what was
going on. I have seen several
bucks with cwd or tse, whichever you want to call it. And I have also seen a
bunch of pen-raised tame deer!
That is exactly what that buck was. He showed no sign of any problem at
all acknowledging me with curiosity, and then he went about doing what buck
deer do, eating and walking about looking for a better mouthful, browsing from
here to there. His coat was clean
and healthy and he was fat, very well fed. He had been raised somewhere from a little fawn, and had no
fear of humans. When I went back to where Mr. McCarthy waited by his pick-up, I
told him the deer wasn’t sick, but tame, likely pen-raised somewhere close, by
someone who had raised him from a fawn and wanted to make money from him by
selling him to a hunting enclosure somewhere, where he would be killed by a
hunter paying a considerable amount of money. I asked if there were many
Mennonites or Amish landowners nearby and he said, “Maybe that’s why so many of
them have been buzzing around here this morning so interested in this buck.” Sure enough there was a Mennonite deer
pen not far away.
“The buck is healthy,” I told Mr. McCarthy, “and his head and
antlers are worth a lot of money to some wealthy trophy hunter. They are
exceptional, not often seen in wild deer.”
Mr. McCarthy didn’t want to believe me. A buck deer that
acted like a pet calf had him spooked. He wanted it gone. I suggested he go to town and get a
landowners archery permit and shoot the deer with a bow or crossbow so that he
would get to keep the antlers and perhaps sell them after having the head
shooter wasn’t buying that… he said he was going to shoot the buck and take it
with him. That’s when Mr. McCarthy said ‘wait a minute’. I told him
how an area taxidermists were insisting to me that they had dealt with some
local agents who confiscated big deer antlers, had him mount them at cost, paid
for by the MDC, and then sold or
kept the deer head for themselves to sell for some big money. I said “Mr.
Mc Carthy, the Missouri Department of Conservation Enforcement Division They
should not get that deer head. It is on your land, not theirs.” To my surprise he agreed with me,
saying that they had targeted him a number of times over dove hunting, even
hand-cuffing him at one time. And thinking about that, he told the MDC
employee that he wanted the antlers.
The MDC’s shooter said ‘no’.
McCarthy said there would be no more done until he knew he would get the
antlers. So the swat team fellow
goes to his vehicle and gets on the radio and talks awhile and comes back and
says an MDC official somewhere said McCarthy could have the deer head after the
buck was tested. I left then, imagining the sound of automatic rifle fire
behind me. And though I heard the MDC
shooter tell Mr. McCarthy he could keep the skull and antlers, I would bet he
never ever sees them. And by the
way, a young boy living up the
road from me told me about the Mennonite deer pen operation nearby. I have yet to be able to find and talk
with that Mennonite deer pen operator about whether one of his deer or several,
had broken out of their enclosure.
I know his name and would like to know if his operation is all legal. I
know this, he lost a bundle of money when that MDC shooter refused to take the
time to go ask if the buck had escaped from his place. And I know I could have
wrapped a rope around that bucks neck and carried a bucket of food before him
and he would have followed me anywhere.
What a beautiful animal he was.
But he was the victim of a complete and total lack of common sense, and
the fact that big deer antlers, created by feeding pen deer a diet of bone and
meat meal, are worth so much money to those sick people who are looking for
Mr. McCarthy told me later that from 30 yards,
the MDC rifleman had missed the buck the first couple of shots, then gut-shot
him. It took the deer awhile to
die. It isn’t a pleasant story,
but it is the truth, and in most newspapers, this story cannot be printed.
Contact me at or write me at Box 22, Bolivar, Mo 65613 My office phone is 417 777 5227.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Exploring Your Own Trail
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deep inside a small cave, I found what appears to be a prehistoric petrified jawbone |
I have found the
jawbone of a prehistoric animal in a southern Missouri cave. But it is
part of a limestone wall back in the depths where no daylight can reach. In that cave years ago a friend and I
found about ten or fifteen projectile points on the floor of the cave just
within it’s opening. Caves fascinate me. I love to hunt for them, and I like knowing that I know
where many are which few modern explorers have entered.
If you think about
it, today’s people who live their lives in the massive herd of humanity we have
created, seldom see a day when they are completely alone in some far reaches of
the outdoors. Modern hikers walk trails that thousands upon thousands of
feet have trod before them. In the
late 1970’s I myself was an outdoor hiker in the Ozark and Ouachita mountains of
Arkansas. I laid out and built
some trails for the Arkansas State Park System but I never walked established
trails. Some trails used today in the Buffalo National Park are trails I laid
out. And I was there exploring the wilder places of the state as a naturalist
for he Arkansas Heritage Commission. At that time in my life there weren’t many
hillsides and ravines I couldn’t climb or navigate. Some of that country was
ruggedest wildest mountain country I have seen in the Midwest. And
the things I found, sometimes a full day’s hike into the mountains, were
astounding. Caves and waterfalls,
old home places and ancient graves, moonshine stills from another time, and
names carved into flat rock knolls that were used by troops in civil war times…
were among the things I discovered.
I will always remember walking into a south-facing cave with a dry
floor, and looking down to see about a half inch of a projectile point sticking
out of the floor. I just knew it was the broken end of an arrowhead, but
I took my knife out and began to scrape away the dirt to reveal a spear point
nearly five inches long, a bright pink perfectly-formed weapon made perhaps
thousands of years ago. I stood
there holding something that had been made by a man I scarcely could envision
in my mind, a man who perhaps lived in that cave with a family. Maybe nothing has ever made me feel as
insignificant and small.
5-inch pink projectile point I found in a remote AR cave |
such caves I also found evidence that early settlers had lived within sheltering
rock walls, who knows how long ago. I recalled times when I had spent
nights inside a sheltering cave on the river where I grew up, sometimes
escaping the cold, sometimes just staying dry before a campfire while listening to a pelting rain and the
crack of lightning bolts just outside the entrance. When I was in college I
caught a pair of live ground mammals in a cave that turned out to be a species
never known to have been found in my Ozark region. That story is related
in the spring issue of my outdoor magazine if you care to read about it.
it may be that the caves of the Ozarks in three states will someday shelter
families again as they did for hundreds and hundreds of years. It could happen as our technology
threatens a progressing, modern life in the future. So many have springs flowing in the back of them, and
controlled temperatures that give you a chance to stay warm in the worst of
blizzards, or cool in the midst of an August heat wave.
modern-day outdoor visitors it is probably best that you hike the worn trails
of a thousand others who walked them in the few months before you, and
photograph the same rocks and waterfalls and outcroppings that thousands have
photographed before you. But there
are still, in the huge tracts of national forestland in Arkansas and Missouri
and Oklahoma where you can make your own way following no trails at all, in
semi-wilderness areas, seeing sights you may be one of only a few to see and
you might find a remote cave this time of year where the only tracks across
it’s dirt floor are of the black bear hibernating in a deep dark, confined
passageway. Or you may stumble
into a small deep cave where bats are roosting by the hundreds, and there are
blind crayfish and salamanders. I
have done both, and there isn’t a mapped, used trail I ever want to see again.
is the time to go where others do not, when vegetation isn’t heavy and you can
see farther and better and there are no rattlesnakes and copperheads to watch
for. In such places, your cell phone won’t work, so plan well and be sure you
don’t end up needing something you could have taken in a backpack. If you want to see and feel the best of
it, take camping gear and food light enough to pack and spend two or three
me at, write to me at Box
22, Bolivar, Mo. 65613 or call our office at 417 777 5227.
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