Thursday, July 20, 2023

Common Sense Conservationists

 Common Sense Conservationists

     I am trying to revive an old group called “Common Sense Conservationists” by going to 20 or 30 Ozark communities from now thru the end of this year.  I need help. Let me know if you are interested in being a part of this.

     The purpose of those meetings will be to establish a group of conservation-minded outdoorsmen to work for river restoration, wild turkey restoration and other conservation topics in the Ozarks. We need to also organize a group of conservation-minded citizens to try to oppose much of what the Missouri Department of Conservation is doing in our state, practices that are corrupt and wasteful, and often illegal.  Actual conservation issues, are ignored, while they have enriched the Bass Pro Shop owners and many of our states judges. I will back up those charges with the meetings in your community that I propose.

     If we can sign up 250 members this year, we can make a change. That membership will grow.  The old group, from 25 years ago, actually got much done, and worked with some MDC people to accomplish much. But today most of them have passed away.

     If you are someone inclined to complain about the abuse from agents and the actual misuse of money we all give them, pleasehelp me set up and promote meetings near you.  If this goes well, there will be future meetings all over the state, well into the winter.  If we don’t do something now, the MDC will never change.  Its power keeps it unaccountable to anyone. Legislators fear them. The state auditor called me to ask me to tell the readers of my columns what she has found.  MDC employees on lower levels have told me of different things to investigate. Lets create some power to oppose them. We need leaders… please volunteer to be one!

     Call me at 417-777-5227 or email me at

 We also would like to establish a regular conservation magazine that is free to all Missourians, which creates and awareness of what is happening in the outdoors, independent of politics.  We have finished one.  Let me know if you would like a copy.

    We want outdoorsmen who involve themselves in doing what is right.  We have no interest in involving poachers! 

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